Family Workshop :
Tanabatakai Amsterdam 2013

Collaborator & thanks to…

Tanabatakai in Amsterdam is organised by Kyoko Inatome (Kyoko Kinder Kunst Klas) and Soona Kang

©Images by Fumiko, Henry, Naomi, Emi and Soona

Flatto81 gave 2 family workshops during the Tanabatakai (Star festival) in Amsterdam organized by Kyoko Inatome and Soona Kang. We hosted “Star Crown Making” and “Milkyway Painting” Workshops for this special occasion.

Atelier Chika Ito prepared handmade botanical/edible inks for both workshops, using the inks made from Red Cabagge (Blue),  Blueberry (Purple), Red Beet (Red), Turmeric and Yellow Ochre natural pigment (Ochre Yellow), Food Coloring (Blue), Red Cabbage + Yellow Ochre pigment (Green), Gold and Silver synthetic pigment (Gold and Silver).

The colors itself were very beautiful, but more surprising was how the children spontaneously combined these colors and created an amazing color mix during the Milkyway Painting workshop. The children stamped and painted the entire canvas using their newly made colors!

Last but not least, we would like to thank Kyoko Inatome for organising such an event, and the families who joined us for this creative art festival.

Flatto81は七夕会Amsterdamにて「星の王冠づくり」と、「天の河のペインティング」の2つのワークショップを担当しました。インクはAtelier Chika Ito による手づくりのエコインクを使用し、紫キャベツ(青)、ブルーベリー(紫)、赤ビーツ(赤)、ターメリックとイエローオーカーの天然顔料(黄色)、食紅(青)、紫キャベツ+イエローオーカーの天然顔料(緑)、さらに金、銀の合成顔料(金、銀)を用意しました。
最後に、七夕会Amsterdamを企画してくれたKyoko Inatomeさん、参加してくれたご家族の皆様どうもありがとうございました!

All images in this page has been published with the explicit permission of the parents of the depicted children. Images may not be used without permission. If you would like to link the images on blogs, articles, etc, please contact us at
©Flatto81 2009 — 2025