Family Workshop :
Tanabatakai Amsterdam 2015
- Yumika
Voice of Fukushima
- Simone Davies for letting us use the location of Jacaranda Tree Montessori Amsterdam
Tanabatakai in Amsterdam is organised by Kyoko Inatome (Kyoko Kinder Kunst Klas) and Soona Kang
Music by Kumiko
© Images by Masaya, Emi, Yuko and Soona
Thinking about the summer night sky where Orihime and Hikoboshi meet, children made their own constellations by connecting pieces of paper cut-outs with round stickers. We also displayed our original summer constellation book so that the children could observe the different shapes and forms of the constellations.
We are very happy to be able to take part in such a beautiful Tanabata event again in Amsterdam this year. We’d like to thank the organizer, collaborators and all the inter(national) participants for joining the fun!