Family Workshop :
Tanabatakai Amsterdam 2015

Collaborator & thanks to…

Tanabatakai in Amsterdam is organised by Kyoko Inatome (Kyoko Kinder Kunst Klas) and Soona Kang
Music by Kumiko

©Images by Masaya, Emi, Yuko and Soona

Flatto81 joined the 4th edition of Tanabata-kai “Star Festival” in Amsterdam, organized by Kyoko KInder Kunst Klas. It was a fun and creative afternoon with colorful crafts which caught the immediate attention from the children run by KyokoKinderKunstKlas, Yumika’s beautiful glittering, shimmering crafts and last but not least the short play of the Tanabata story played by Wonderkids.

In our “Tanabata Ornaments” making workshop, we created Fukinagashi (streamers), Tanzaku, Lantern and a Garland. We used different materials that you can find in your house such as yarns, toilet paper rolls and jute ropes. The most popular ornament was our original Tanabata Fukinagashi (streamers).
The foundation part of this streamer was colored with Curcuma ink, Red Beet juice and Blueberry juice. We also made our own origami paper colored with natural handmade inks from Atelier Chika Ito, which the children folded into a lantern. 

We are very happy to be able to take part in such a beautiful Tanabata event again this year. We’d like to thank the organizer, collaborators and all the inter(national) participants for joining the fun!

Flatto81は今年も、Kyoko KInder Kunst Klas主催の七夕会に参加し「七夕飾り」と、「夏の夜の星座」作りを担当しました。 Kyoko KInder Kunst Klasによる子供心をくすぐる楽しくてポップな工作、Yumikaさんによるきらきらと光る美しい工作、Wonder-Kidsによるすてきな七夕の寸劇などでもりだくさんの楽しい会でした。
七夕飾りでは、吹き流し、短冊、ちょうちん、わっかつづりの4つをつくり、それぞれ色とりどりの毛糸、トイレットペーパーの芯、麻紐など、身近にある素材をリサイクルして準備しました。吹き流しの芯にはブルーベリー、ビーツ、クルクマなどで色をつけました。ちょうちんのもとになるおりがみにはAtelier Chika Itoの手づくりエコインクを使用しました。

今年も、美しい七夕の会を、オランダでいろんな国の方と楽しく一緒に過ごせた事をうれしく思います。 オーガナイザー、コラボレーター、参加者の皆様、どうもありがとうございました!

All images in this page has been published with the explicit permission of the parents of the depicted children. Images may not be used without permission. If you would like to link the images on blogs, articles, etc, please contact us at
©Flatto81 2009 — 2025